男 中级配角lv28
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  • 柯柯魔     我是Rocket Raccoon!

    • 我们都是Groot

    • from:《银河护卫队》

    2015-04-21   32赞       0踩       397浏览 评论(12)
  • 柯柯魔     你知道Jack Sparrow 是 Keith Richards?

    • No that one I deserved.

    • 没有 这不冤枉

    • from:《加勒比海盗》

    We have all seen Johnny Depp’s character in “Pirates of the ......

    When Johnny Depp auditioned for the role, he decided to dres......

    So, Jack Sparrow’s mannerisms in the movie or more like that......


    1970-01-01   34赞       0踩       800浏览 评论(23)
  • 柯柯魔     让我带你们了解在美国怎么上厕所

    • Look, Chanel Number Two.

    • 哇 屎奈儿

    • from:《破产姐妹 S01E02》

    You are in America and you have to go to the bathroom. Your......


    1970-01-01   166赞       3踩       3678浏览 评论(97)
  • 柯柯魔     我是英国二战的间谍。。。。但是我的英国口音不好~

    • 图灵的独白

    • from:《模仿游戏》

    2015-04-15   97赞       0踩       1290浏览 评论(32)
  • 柯柯魔     你真的认识Hillary吗?

    • I'm running for president.

    • 我要竞选总统了。

    • from:《希拉里宣布参加2016年美国总统竞选》

    Let me ask you this, who is Hillary Clinton?
    She’s the wife ......

    When she campaigned in 2008, she changed her accent to match......

    She’s still married to Bill Clinton, even after the Monica L......


    1970-01-01   44赞       3踩       1478浏览 评论(34)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解lifehacks是什么?

    • somebody send obama some lifehacks on how to be a good president.

    • 谁给奥巴马一些如何当好总统的小窍门吧。

    • from:《奥巴马念自损推文》

    What is a lifehack? A “lifehack” is a tip that can make you......

    - Use paper clips to find the end of a tape roll easily (用回形......

    Do all these tips sound good? Well.......no. Some tips are......


    1970-01-01   18赞       1踩       446浏览 评论(13)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解 dad/mom jeans是什么?

    • I am not alright with the President wearing THOSE jeans.

    • 但是他穿的那些牛仔裤让我不太爽。

    • from:《奥巴马念自损推文》

    In 2009, President Barack Obama was a guest of honor at a ba......

    The second thing is the style of jeans that Obama is wearin......

    记住这个:如果你穿Dad/Mom jeans, 你不是时髦的人。


    1970-01-01   21赞       1踩       478浏览 评论(23)
  • 柯柯魔     我是Liam Neeson!

    • 每一部都少不了一个电话

    • from:《飓风营救3》

    2015-04-10   101赞       0踩       1348浏览 评论(21)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解太空竞赛是什么?

    • I believe that this nation should commit itself

    • 我相信我国人民能够齐聚一心

    • from:《变形金刚3》

    What exactly was the space race? Obviously, Transformers pr......

    The US was losing. In 1961, President John F Kennedy announ......


    1970-01-01   23赞       2踩       447浏览 评论(16)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解在美国的飞机场说什么?带什么?

    • How long will you be staying in United States?

    • 你会在美国逗留多久?

    • from:《幸福终点站》

    Congratulations! You have just arrived in the US, your drea......


    1970-01-01   150赞       2踩       2972浏览 评论(87)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解Captain Kangaroo是谁?

    • famouser even than Captain Kangaroo.

    • 比袋鼠船长还要有名

    • from:《阿甘正传(1994)》

    Why does Forest say that he is more famous than Captain Kang......


    1970-01-01   21赞       0踩       338浏览 评论(12)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解美国第一夫人做什么?

    • All right we're back with the first lady of the United States.

    • 好吧,今晚我们又跟美国的第一夫人见面了。

    • from:《艾伦秀米歇尔奥巴马 热舞》

    The First Lady of the United States of America is wife of th......


    1970-01-01   25赞       1踩       557浏览 评论(14)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解在美国有名的中国人

    • Houi~

    • (一定要有气势!)

    • from:《李小龙访问》

    Many Chinese have come to America and have become famous. M......


    1970-01-01   39赞       1踩       928浏览 评论(23)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解埃波拉

    • We have to remember the basic facts.

    • 我们要记住一个最基本的事实。

    • from:《obama speech about Ebola》

    The current Ebola crisis comes from Western Africa, but the ......


    1970-01-01   30赞       0踩       379浏览 评论(39)
  • 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你们了解三K是什么?

    • he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.

    • 建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党

    • from:《阿甘正传(1994)》

    Who are the KKK? The Ku Klux Klan are a racist group that e......


    1970-01-01   40赞       0踩       978浏览 评论(56)
  • 柯柯魔     在美国很有意思的日本动画片

    • I'm going to go get some food.

    • 我去找点吃的。

    • from:《七龙珠》

    In the West, the cartoons that come from Japan are called "A......


    1970-01-01   237赞       10踩       16164浏览 评论(269)
  • 柯柯魔     这个电影很不错

    • 美国未来在你们手中

    • from:《美丽心灵》

    2015-04-08   108赞       1踩       4763浏览 评论(38)
  • 柯柯魔     我是钢人

    • 接受正点妹纸采访

    • from:《钢铁侠》

    2015-04-02   73赞       0踩       1308浏览 评论(28)
  • 柯柯魔     我试试奥巴马

    • 奥巴马念自损推文

    • from:《奥巴马念自损推文》

    2015-03-27   139赞       0踩       1581浏览 评论(37)
  • 柯柯魔     我试这个

    • 你好!我叫弗雷斯特!

    • from:《阿甘正传(1994)》

    2015-03-25   97赞       0踩       2586浏览 评论(24)
男 中级配角lv28


粉丝 4820关注 9

