• Fancy呀     笔记整理??~

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss...But every once in a while you find someone who’s iridescent🌈And when you do, nothing will ever compare~

    电影🎬The Fault In Our Stars ⭐️

    常叼着烟 却不点燃🚬…极大克制力😂

    Let’s go watch a movie 🍿
    What? 嗯? 啊?😂
    I’m free later this week, we could...
    No, l mean now ~
    You could be an axe murder😈
    There’s always that possibility👻
    人生苦短 何妨一试
    Come on, Hazel Grace, take a risk~ ( l don’t...)
    1⃣️Really? That’s disgusting. (What?)
    2⃣️What, do you think that is cool or something?!
    3⃣️You just ruin the whole thing❗️
    the whole thing?!😠Yes, the whole thing.
    Oh, man🙈
    And you were doing really well, too.
    God! There’s always a hamartia🧐isn’t there?
    And yours is even though you got freaking cancer, you’re willing to give money to a corporation
    for a chance to acquire even more cancer?!
    Let me just tell you that
    not being able to breathe sucks😷 Totally sucks!

    Hamartia?🤔 (It’s a fatal flaw)Oh~ a fatal...
    Hazel Grace, they don’t actually hurt you
    unless you light them 🔥 I never lit one 😎
    It’s a metaphor, see, you put the thing
    that does the killing right between your teeth.
    But you never give it the power to kill you.
    A metaphor 🤗

    伦敦桥计划 就在纸上复习了 ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

    ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Simon Pegg~~😂

    🎵welcome to Vienna✨Benji✨Miss me ?

    Ethan, where are you?
    Where the hell you’ve been?
    No act... You know what? Please, don’t tell me that. Because it’s just another thing l’ll have to lie about in my weekly polygraph.🙉
    淡定点 bro
    -Everything’s gonna be fine. Just keep walking.
    -But make sure you’re not being followed ~
    🤨Emm...l did’t win those opera tickets, did l ?
    -No, l’m afraid not~
    🙄So where do we meet ?
    -We don’t. For your sake, we shouldn’t be seen together. ( You have a mail ) 📧
    Who is he? -That’s what we here to find out.
    -What l do know is his our only possible link to the Syndicate. -And l have reason to believe he’s going to be here tonight.🌃
    But l can’t find him alone. Are you in ? (🎶)😂~
    Are you in ? Yes, of course, of course, umm...
    So what’s the play? -Simple, you find him, we tag him. I’ll follow wherever he goes. 🏃
    And after that? -After that you’re on a plane ✈️ Back at work on Monday morning. No one is the wiser. What,That’s it? -You’re in enough danger as it is. I don’t want to involve you this much but l had no choice.
    Well if you’re going to bring me all this way, you could at least bring me a bit more ~ You know,dramatic. Benji✨we try to keep it in a low profile.If you want drama, go to the opera. 💃

    Orange knickerbockers and flat straw hats /called boaters. They also lcarried knobbly🎋sticks, used for hitting each other /while the teachers weren’t looking. This was supposed to be good training /for later life. (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
    🧓🏻As he looked at Dudley in his new knickerbockers, Uncle Vernon said gruffly that /it was the proudest moment of his life.👵🏻And Aunt Petunia burst into tears 😭and said she couldn’t believe/ it was her Ickle Dudleykins, he looked so handsome and grown-up.
    *Harry笑抽🤣 (忽闻臭味…)
    Harry didn’t trust himself to speak. He thought 💭 two of his ribs/ might already have cracked / from trying not to laugh😂There was a horrible smell in the kitchen next morning when Harry went in for breakfast 🍳 It seemed to be coming/ from a large metal tub/ in the sink.

    什么鬼🙀 (脏脏地水底招摇…是你的校服)
    He went to have a look. The tub was full of/ what it looks like dirty rags/ swimming in grey water.
    😵 “What’s this? “ he asked Aunt Petunia.
    Her lips tightened as they always did/ if he dared to ask a question. 🗣“Your new school uniform.” Harry looked in the bowl again,
    “Oh” l didn’t realize it had to be so wet.
    你以为😾…(把旧衣服染成灰的给你当校服 )
    “Don’t be stupid” snapped Aunt Petunia.
    l’m dyeing some of Dudley’s old things
    grey for you. It’ll look just like someone else’s when l’ve finished.

    Harry seriously doubted this. But thought / it best not to argue. He sat down at the table and tried not to think about how he was going to look like on his first day at Stonewall High.
    Like he was wearing bits of old elephant skin, probably.

    Dudley and Uncle Vernon walked in, both with wrinkled noses because of the smell from Harry’s new uniform. Uncle Vernon opened the newspaper 📰as usual and Dudley banged his Smeltings✨sticks which he carried everywhere, on the table.
    咔嚓一声 信掉在门口的垫子上✉️
    They heard the click/ of letter-box
    and the flop/ of the letter on the doormat.
    “Get the post, Dudley” said Uncle Vernon from behind his newspaper. “Make Harry get it” “get the post, Harry.” “Make Dudley get it” ...poke him with your ✨Smeltings stick, Dudley.

    毫无悬念 还是Harry去拿🙃
    Harry dodge the Smeltings✨stick and went to get the post. Three things lay on the doormat: a postcard from Uncle Vernon’s sister marge, who was holidaying on the Isle of Wight, a brown envelope that looked like a bill and —a letter for Harry~❗️❗️居然有一封给Harry的信😺

    出身贫困 心怀梦想
    ☝️ Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who hid her humble origins 🎭all her life and preferred to invent her own legend 💫~
    ☝️ Once upon a time, Gabrielle Chanel was born/ under the sign of Leo/ to a traveling peddler⚖️ and a laundress👔who died at 32, exhausted by life.
    被父亲抛弃 永不相见
    ☝️ Once upon a time, there was a father who abandoned👿his five children and had three daughters sent away to an orphanage.🔓
    ☝️At twelve years old, Gabrielle would never see him again. Forever after/ she pretended that/ he had left/ to make his way in America.💸🗽
    ☝️Once upon a time, there was an orphanage/ behind the wall of the convent🧕🏻the abbey⛪️ of Aubazine💭where Gabrielle spent nearly sNeven years.
    简约的黑白& 巴洛克式的华丽
    —The Romanesque🕌purity of the synthetic world/ would inspire her sense of austerity🙅‍♂️and her taste for black and white,
    — while the opulence👑of religious🙏 garments👗and ceremonial🙇‍♀️objects would spark✨ her fascination with baroque style, gold and color gems💎in years to come.

    白天做手工 晚上在夜店唱歌
    ☝️ Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who spent her day sewing /and her night singing in the cabaret 💃 🎶 before troops 🐎 of cavalryman.💂🏻‍♂️
    她的名字来源于一首歌 又或许是父亲对她的爱称
    — She was called Coco because she often sang « who has seen Coco in the Trocadéro »
    — She always preferred to pretend /that Coco was the nickname given to her by her father.
    英姿飒爽 像男人一样骑马
    ☝️ Once upon a time, a young woman with boyish allure💋refused to ride side saddle 🐎 on the horses of well-born cavalry lead— Etienne Ba。 lsan✨
    眼光独到 对帽子进行简化
    — She dressed like no one else, taking her inspiration /from masculine😎attire👕and inventing new style of hats /which she stripped of that birds and feathers/ to make them simply, lighter and more chic. 💃

    Her first clients were working girls but the society quickly followed.
    ☝️ Once upon a time, there was a great love, name Boy Capel, English, wealthy and cultivated.
    He was the man of her dreams.
    得以接触不同领域 并有了第一家店
    — He introduced her to literature, the Orient 🍵and esoteric🧐areas. Boy helped Coco become Chanel. She decided to open her first boutiques in Paris, Deauville and Biarritz.

    She wanted to work to win her liberty.
    大刀阔斧 彻底改变女性着装轮廓
    Once upon a time, a revolution came to pass when in a stroke of genius😎. Coco Chanel transformed the female silhouette👗.
    解除束缚 放飞自我
    She shortened dresses, revealed ankles, freed waist, eliminated✂️ corsets,revived jersey, cut her hair and bronzed her skin.
    Chanel closed one era and launched a new century of fashion.
    Once upon a time, at 31 Rue Cambon ✨ mademoiselle 👠Chanel opened her first couture👑 house in Paris in 1918.
    The little country girl, the orphan of Aubazine had become the queen of Paris before liberating women she had liberated herself.
    世事难料 痛失所爱
    Once upon a time, there was a love story that ended abruptly. Boy Capel died in a car accident.
    For the first and last, Coco was seen to cry.
    要么随他而去 或将他们共同开创的事业进行到底
    “Either l die as well,” she said, “Or l finished what we started together.”
    She chose to go on.
    ———-🐾🐾🐾Six Feet Under 🐾🐾🐾———-
    Help...l lost myself again but l remember you
    Don’t come back it won’t end well
    But l wish you tell me to...
    Our love is six feet under I can’t help but wonder
    if our grave was watered by the rain ☔️
    Would roses bloom~Could roses bloom again🥀
    Retrace my lips💋 erase your touch.
    It’s all too much for me. Blow away ~
    Like smoke in air. How can you die carelessly❗️

    They’re playing our sound. Laying us down tonight. And all of these clouds ☁️ are carrying
    us back to life. But you’re cold as a night.


    In the Dawn Age of Westeroes, before the coming of man and the raising of castles and cities, there were only the Children of the Forest.
    Little is known of them now, but it is said they were small in stature, dark and beautiful, and no taller than children when grown to manhood.
    They lived in the depths of the forests and hidden villages, crannogs✨and caves.
    They hunted with weirwood bows and armed
    themselves with blades of obsidian.✨
    Their wise men were called greenseers, and were possessed of a powerful magic.
    They worshiped nameless, faceless gods of the forest, steam and stone.
    According to legend, it was they who carved faces in the great white trunks✨of the majestic ✨weirwwods.
    Their deep-cut eyes were red with sap, ✨and ever watchful. 12000years ago, the First Men came from the eastern continent, crossing a land bridge called the Arm of Dorne.
    策马而来 兵戈相向
    Riding their great horses and wielding✨ weapons of bronze, ✨they cut down the Children's forests and weirwoods.
    A terrible war raged between the Children and the First Men that lasted for centuries.
    At long last, the two races sought✨ an end to the years of horror and bloodshed.
    They met on a small isle in the centre of a Great Lake called the God's Eye. It was there they forged ✨the pact.
    The First Men would be granted dominion✨over the coastland, the mountains, the high plains and the bogs.✨
    But the deep forest would forever belong to the Children and no weirwood tree would ever again fall to man's axe.
    To seal✨the pact before the God's, the Children carved ✨a face in every weirwood tree on the island which came to be known as the Isle of Faces.
    But the Pact could not withstand the coming of the Andals, a race of tall, fair-haired warriors.✨
    They attacked with fire and weapons of steel./ Slaughtering the Children of the Forest wherever they could find them, burning out their weirwood groves🌲
    亵渎神灵 传播新信仰
    Hacking ✨away at the faces of the old gods and spreading their own religion through the land.
    降伏所有 唯独北境
    Centuries of war followed, and the Andals conquered every kingdom in Westeroes, save one—the North. Tthe kings of Winter were able to withstand✨the Andal invasion.✨
    The descendents of the First Men dwell✨ there to this day and continue to worship the old gods.
    As for the Children of the Forest, those who survived the slaughter were said to have fled for north and have not been seen again.
    或说灭亡已久 或从未存在
    Most assume they're long dead, and some don't believe they ever existed.
    They live on only through song and legend, and in the faces of the weirwood trees.

    l know you all, and will awhile uphold the unyoked humor of your idleness.
    太阳也被乌云遮盖 但总会显露璀璨金光
    Yet herein will l imitate the sun who doth permit the contagious clouds to smother up his beauty from the world.
    当它再度升起时 阴霾的衬托使其光芒更为耀眼
    When he please again to be himself, being wanted, he may be more wondered at by breaking through the foul and ugly mists of vapeurs that did seem to strangle him.
    若整日玩乐 消遣也会变得和工作一样单调乏味
    If all the year were playing holiday, to sport would be as tedious as to work.
    When they seldom come,they wished for come, and nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.
    自此痛改前非 还清旧账
    So when this loose behavior l throw off and pay the debt l never promised
    By how much better than my word l am, by so much shall l falsify men’s hopes.
    And like bright metal on a sullen ground.
    我的改过自新 因过去的过错而更引人注目
    My reformation, glittering over my fault shall show more goodly and attract more eyes that which has no foil to set it off.
    I’ll so offend, to make offense a skill, redeeming time when men think least l will.

    Bright and clear is your laughter blazing from lips to a heart.
    As if the sound comes from my reverie.
    An old days dream where flowers once blossomed in those bygone years.
    Quiet is their pride. Whispering for me. How lovely. How softly.
    曾以为的天长地久 逃不过时间的洪流
    I thought l wouldn’t be far away from you. Now time immerses you in the throng.
    I wonder where you are now. Will someone play guitar and tenderly sing...
    And dream of the soft look. Your eyes had once and of their shadows deep.
    Who would know? As the blossom season ended. We went our separate ways.
    Live life to the fullest, will you? As my life is yours and your life is mine.
    The stories between the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. If you don’t want to say. Leave them there.
    青春啊 褪了颜色
    The mood in my finest youth of the worst times was as vague as the passion words which once disturbed my heart.
    言语啊 已然苍白
    I lost my faith to language. There are no flowers that can move me again.
    Fortunately, l’ve had once really hold you in my arms. Now l know kindness better than it is written down.
    Listen, Someone is singing.

    香蜜沉沉烬如霜🐟 🍇 🔥


    喜欢的段子总是源源不断😆 即将到来的十二月 学习充满动力💓

    1970-01-01   9赞       0踩       1182浏览 评论(4)
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