• MoFarah     [商英二]特斯拉最便宜的一款车即将交货,你需要知道这些

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    特斯拉Model 3起步价格为3.5万美元,比此前的车型低不少。

    It must have been a relief to investors and Tesla enthusiasts alike.


    CEO Elon Musk revealed Sunday that its much-anticipated mid-market sedan, the $35,000 Tesla Model 3, will reach its first buyers on July 28. That's on track with the company's previous estimates despite delays and production woes with its previous model, the Model X SUV.

    首席执行官艾伦·马斯克于周日发布了备受期待的中端市场轿车——3.5万美元的特斯拉Model 3,并宣称将于7月28日向首批车主交货。该日期符合与公司此前的预期,尽管公司在Model X SUV车型上出现了交货延迟和产能问题。

    Musk also noted on Twitter Sunday that the Model 3 had passed regulatory requirements for production two weeks ahead of schedule. So far, Tesla stock has jumped about 2% on the news.

    马斯克周日还在Twitter上称,Model 3提前两周达到了监管方的量产标准。到目前为止,新车的发布带动特斯拉股票上涨了2个百分点。

    Tesla's Model 3 is the company's first major push into broadening its consumer base. Here's what you need to know.

    Model 3的发布是特斯拉首个扩大其消费群体的主要举措。以下是关于该车型的具体信息。

    The Tesla Model 3 price is less than its predecessors

    特斯拉 Model 3的价格低于以前的车型

    The base price for the Tesla Model 3 is reportedly $35,000, which is significantly lower than its previous models.

    特斯拉Model 3起步价格为3.5万美元,比此前的车型低不少。

    The Model S can be had for $68,000, and the Model X costs about $82,500. Still, the Model 3's $35,000 figure assumes that the buyer wants to add no bells and whistles. Last year, Musk estimated that the average Model 3 would cost closer to about $42,000.

    Model S的起步价格为6.8万美元,Model X为8.25万美元。然而,Model 3车型3.5万美元的价格意味着此车不会以花哨的功能为卖点。马斯克预计,Model 3的平均售价接近4.2万美元。

    That said, buyers might actually be prepared to pay even more than that. According to a recent survey of over 10,000 Tesla lovers on Model3tracker.com, the average buyer is actually holding about $50,176 in preparation of the Model 3. Some buyers may be eligible for state or federal alternative energy incentives, however.

    尽管如此,买家实际上可能愿意花更多的钱来购买Model 3。Model3tracker.com最近对1万名特斯拉粉丝的调查显示,买家为Model 3准备的平均购置费用达到了50,176美元。然而,一些买家可享受州或联邦的替代能源车辆鼓励补贴。

    there's already a backlog of orders


    According to an update from Tesla in May 2016, about 373,000 people want to buy the Model 3. For context, the electric automaker produced about 84,000 cars in 2016.

    That likely means that some who reserved their Model 3 car late (reservations first opened in mid-2016) may have to wait until mid 2018 or later to actually receive their vehicles. As for everyone else, it remains to be see who will get their cars first. Though in the past, Tesla has suggested its California customers and existing Tesla owners may get preference.

    Musk is well aware of this backlog of reservations for the Model 3. It's part of the reason why the CEO is retooling production and removing some steps of traditional car making. But by the end of July, the CEO said he plans to deliver 30 cars, upping that number to 100 the next month. By September, Tesla plans to deliver 1,500 cars, with 20,000 by December, Musk wrote on Twitter.

    特斯拉2016年5月最新的数据显示,约37.3万人有意购买Model 3。我们看到,特斯拉2016年的产能为8.4万辆。这可能意味着那些下定单(预定首次于2016年年中开始)较晚的人可能得等到2018年年中或更晚才能拿到新车。对于所有人来说,谁能够最先拿到车仍是一个未知数。在过去,特斯拉曾表示,其加州客户和现有的特斯拉所有者可能会享有优先权。马斯克充分意识到了Model 3的订单数量。这也是马斯克为什么重新更换生产线,并取消某些传统汽车生产步骤的部分原因。马斯克表示,公司计划在7月底交付30辆车,并在下个月将这一数字增至100。马斯克在Twitter上写道,到9月,公司计划交付1500辆新车,12月交付2万辆。

    The company plans to be building about 500,000 cars in 2018.


    The Model 3 is a more affordable version of the Tesla Model S

    特色拉Model 3是Model S的廉价版

    Musk has described the Tesla Model 3 as "a smaller, more affordable version of Model S with less range and power and fewer features." He added that the "Model S has more advanced technology."

    马斯克曾将特斯拉Model 3描述为“更紧凑、更便宜的Model S,其最大行驶里程和动力均有所缩水,而且功能也更少”。他还指出,“Model S拥有更加先进的技术”。

    While the Model 3 will still be equipped with Tesla's autopilot system, it won't have any significant new technology or features. It will also be slightly slower than its predecessor, going from zero to 60 miles per hour in 5.6 seconds, compared to 2.3-4.3 seconds with the Model S.

    尽管Model 3仍将配备特斯拉的自动驾驶系统,但它不会配备重大新技术或功能,而且比以前的车型略慢,百公里加速时间为5.6秒,而Model S为2.3-3.4秒。

    The Model 3 will be able to drive 215 miles in a single charge.

    In terms of size, the Model 3 will be 184.8 inches in length with room for five adults, which is a little less than the five adults and two children that fit in the Model S thanks to its rear-facing seats.

    Model 3充满一次电可以行驶215英里。就尺寸而言,Model 3长184.8英寸,可容纳5名成年人,相比Model S略有减少,因为Model S可配备后向座椅,从而容纳5名成年人和两名儿童。

    And as for the Tesla Model 3 interior and exterior—well, pictures speak louder than words.

    至于特斯拉Model 3的内外饰,百闻不如一见。

    Tesla's revenue could skyrocket


    Tesla reported revenue of $7 billion for the full 2016 year.

    Based on Musk's estimates and Tesla's most recent report on reservations, the Model 3 alone will result in revenue of about $15.7 billion over the course of the next two years. Granted, those statistics are outdated. The reservation figure is from 2016—suggesting that the revenue from the Model 3 could be even higher than that.

    特斯拉2016年全年营收达到了70亿美元。基于马斯克的估计和特斯拉最近的订单报告,仅Model 3便会在未来两年内带来157亿美元的营收。就算这些都是过时的数据,但从2016年的预定量来看,Model 3创造的营收可能会更高。

    Revenue, however, is not the same as profit. Although it's unclear exactly how much it will cost Tesla to build a Model 3, UBS projects that for the company to break even, Tesla will have to raise the price of the Model 3 to $41,000.

    然而,营收并不代表利润。虽然我们尚不清楚Model 3的成本是多少,但瑞士联合银行估计,如果特斯拉要实现收支平衡,那么公司必须将Model 3的价格升至4.1万美元。

    今天的内容就到这里,我们下期再见,see you tomorrow!

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