• 柯柯魔     新年目标

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everyone had a good night to celebrate the New Year. I know I did. Anyways, it is a tradition in my country to make “New Year Resolutions”, which are goals that we want to try to accomplish in the New Year. So here are some of mine:

    He is lifting 5 kg.....or trying to

    Lose Weight
    I think everyone has this goal, including me. After the holidays are over (holidays = huge meals), I realize that I may have gained a little weight. Maybe 20 kg. But that’s ok, I’ll lose it all during 2016. Maybe a diet, maybe working out, either way, I am determined to lose the weight!

    He's reading a classic in literature

    Read More
    They say reading is one of the most important things to do. Every year, I try to read one book every month………although sometimes that doesn’t always happen. Anyways, this year I will try to do it. One book every month. But not just any books. I want to read books that are both important and philosophical.

    He's learning how to drive!

    Learn Something New
    A New Year can also mean new beginnings. Many people, including me, try to learn a new skill throughout the year. Some learn how to make pottery, some learn art, some learn computer coding, and some learn how to cook. I don’t have any idea what I want to learn, but I want to try to learn something new this year.

    No matter what your goals are this year, let's work hard and try to achieve them. 新年快乐!

    1970-01-01   51赞       5踩       11240浏览 评论(40)
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