• 陆一平Hope     Psyche 心态[双语原创] 2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《碟中谍5阿汤哥露肉预告》



    方块字与罗马、拉丁字符的差异,句法结构、篇章思维的差异,历史、文化的差异,都让中国人学习英文很难。除难度之外,口口声声要学好英语的人,就连麦当劳的吃的都说不全,不是因为老师没教过,是因为食品包装上的英文单词被不喜欢外语的大脑过滤掉了。口口声声要学好英语的人,就连双语字幕的英语部分也没怎么看,里面的精髓就被看懂了就满足的心态给屏蔽掉了。谁的口头、书面表达不是在自我翻译?懒惰不会让你加大地道资源的输入、存储、练习应用,也不会让你主动思考中英文差异,更不会抗拒母语依赖或母语阻隔,所以干爆鸭子是fuck the duck until it explodes也就不足为奇了。

    First-language obstruction

    The differences between Chinese and English not only lie in the format of square-based characters and the format of Roman-Latin alphabet, but also exist in their syntactic and article structures as well as in historic and cultural backgrounds, all of which make it difficult for the Chinese to learn English. Difficulty aside, those who claim to be determined to acquire fluent English fail to name foods at a McDonald’s not because such content is never included in English courses, but because these names of products printed on packages are filtered out by the minds that don’t like English. And there’re those who claim to be determined to succeed in English learning naturally skip English lines in bilingual subtitles due to their satisfaction of understanding the context. Laziness will not push you to increase input of original resources, memory and exercise of it as well, nor will make you actively remind yourself of differences between the two languages, let alone resist reliance on first language or first language obstruction. As a result, it’s no surprise that translations like “fuck the duck until it explodes” can be found anywhere.



    Avoidance issues

    It is perhaps the Peter Pan Syndrome (having a childish mind) or the innate weakness and laziness that cause people to avoid difficulty and then lie to themselves with easy stuff or to imagine that, even after long periods of avoiding, they can still make great achievements. Forgivable is knowing English is difficult to learn without realizing how difficult it actually is, but isn’t not accepting, out of fear or discomfort, the idea that all that’s meaningful is hard. Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence, so can courage. However, the lack of both will surely make no difference.

    1970-01-01   29赞       0踩       1237浏览 评论(24)
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