• 柯柯魔     让我带你们了解在美国怎么上厕所

    • Look, Chanel Number Two.

    • 哇 屎奈儿

    • from:《破产姐妹 S01E02》


    You are in America and you have to go to the bathroom. Your American friend asks you, “Do you need to go number one or number two?” What does your friend mean, is your friend crazy?


    What is number one? “To go number one” means that you need to pee. “To go number two” means that you need to poo. Great explanation, but now you need to find the WC. So you ask your friend, “Where is the WC?” Your friend says, “What?” Is your friend stupid?!?!

    “To ”的意思是“我要嘘嘘”, “To ”的意思是“我要便便”。现在你应该找厕所,所以你问他“WC在哪儿?”。他听不懂,为什么?

    WC means “water closet”, but obviously the place you need to go is not a closet for your water. In the US, most people do not say “WC”, we say “restroom”, “washroom”, or “bathroom”. They all mean the same thing, even though they may or may not have a bath inside them, and you may or may not want to rest in there. If you really want to be specific, you can say, “men’s room” or “women’s room”, but that is only in public places, as homes usually do not have gender-specific rooms.

    WC的意思是抽水马桶,但是在美国我们常常没用这个单词。我们常常说“restroom”,“washroom”,“bathroom”。他们的意思都一样。如果你想说礼貌一点儿,你可以说,“boy’s room”(如果你是男的)还有“girl’s room”(如果你是女的。

    1970-01-01   166赞       3踩       3678浏览 评论(97)
男 中级配角lv28


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