• 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解 dad/mom jeans是什么?

    • I am not alright with the President wearing THOSE jeans.

    • 但是他穿的那些牛仔裤让我不太爽。

    • from:《奥巴马念自损推文》


    In 2009, President Barack Obama was a guest of honor at a baseball game. Being a guest of honor, he was allowed to come onto the field and throw the first pitch. The media, instead of caring about Obama’s appearance at the game, commented endlessly on his style in jeans.

    在2009年时候, 奥巴马去一个棒球比赛,他投第一个棒球,但是媒介只报道奥巴马穿的牛仔裤( jeans)

    This joke has two meanings. First, you must understand what situations “jeans” are worn in, and then you must understand what kind of jeans that Obama is wearing. First of all, jeans are only worn for casual occasions, although people in high-positions are usually expected to dress more formally in public.

    牛裤子不是正式的衣服。所以,他说“I am alright with the President wearing jeans,"他的意思是,有的人觉得总统得别穿裤子,只穿正式衣服,但是“我”不管。

    The second thing is the style of jeans that Obama is wearing. Jeans come in many different styles, such as slim, wide, etc. This particular style that Obama is wearing is called “dad jeans”. These jeans are called either “mom jeans” or “dad jeans”, depending on the gender of the wearer. These jeans are baggy, very loose, and usually people in their middle ages wear them. They are also not very fashionable. Thus, the joke is that Obama is not cool at all.

    奥巴马穿样子的牛裤子不是时装的。它们叫“Dad jeans”(爸爸牛裤子)(如果穿的人是女人,它们叫“Mom jeans”(妈妈牛裤子)),这样子尺寸很大(所以如果你越来越胖,不应该买新的裤子),不好看,是中年人穿的样子,棒人别穿这样子。所以,他说“I am not alright with the President wearing THOSE jeans."他的意思是,“那条裤子”不好看,“我”们的总统不酷。

    记住这个:如果你穿Dad/Mom jeans, 你不是时髦的人。

    1970-01-01   21赞       1踩       478浏览 评论(23)
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